Your Home SOLD in under 60 days GUARANTEED or Qin will Sell it for Free!
*Qin & Seller Must Agree On Price

QIN has over 1000 Serious Buyers in her database
While every agent will promise to sell your home, Qin GUARANTEES It
My 60 Days or Free Guarantee is as simple as this: I guarantee to have an offer accepted on your home within 60 days or I will sell it for free. If your home sits on the market for longer than 60 days from the time we list it, I will continue to market it aggressively but charge you zero commission for myself.Instead of making you empty promises, I give you a written GARANTEE of performance.
Find Out What Your Home Is Really Worth!
FREE Quick Online Home Evaluation
Knowing what your home is worth is important information to have if you are thinking of selling your home.
By providing your address and a brief description of your home, the system will conduct a thorough comparative market analysis by searching the database for similar homes listed or sold in your area.
With this current market data, you will be able to determine what your home might sell for if you decided to put it on the market.
There is no cost or obligation for this valuable service.
For your FREE Home Evaluation, please provide the information requested.